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Stavební pozemek na prodej Juršići Svetvinčenat

ID: 3145
Přidat do seznamu oblíbených
Půdorys 2
Půdorys 3
Obecná informace
Na prodej
€ 87 500
Juršići, Svetvinčenat, Istrie
490 m2
Vzdálenost od moře:
15 km
Vzdálenost od pláže:
15 km
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Building plot near the village of Juršići of 490 sqm. It is located inside the settlement, has an oblong shape, and stretches along the road. A conceptual design for a villa with a swimming pool has been created, and all approvals for obtaining a building permit are in the process of being obtained. The price includes the construction of a septic tank and part of the fence walls around the plot. As the works progress, the price will be adjusted. The villa will have a ground floor and a first floor, as well as a sunbathing area and a swimming pool of 4 x 7 m2. By the pool, a terrace and a house with a fireplace for outdoor living. The villa will have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large living room with kitchen and dining room.
Pozemek ze projektem
